Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 26-Queen II and Baby Shower

I had a really awesome day today! The driver dropped me off at Queen II and then took Lina to the airport because she left today. I spent the morning at Queen II to get some input from the nutrition assistants, moms, caregivers, and children about what they would like to see happen at the hospital as far as play therapy. Everyone was very supportive and had good ideas about games, toys, etc. When I asked if there were any traditional Lesotho songs or stories, one of the little girls started telling a story called “Tselane and her mother” (apparently a very popular children’s story here, which sounded very similar to Little Red Riding Hood). When she started the story, parents and children came and gathered around to listen. It was so amazing to see people coming together like that! Another woman told a story and my favorite little girl in the ward, Kenuene, sang songs.
I went back to the clinic for the afternoon. Down in the break room, some of the staff were preparing food for the baby shower because two of the local doctors, Mme Mamello and another doctor, are pregnant! A bunch of the ladies got dressed up in shoeshoe (the traditional Sotho dresses) and around 4pm everyone went outside. After a song and prayer, the psychologist, Mme Lebo, had made up some baby shower games they played and then presented the two doctors with baby gifts. Afterwards there was a whole table of delicious sandwiches and cakes. It was really sweet!
Erika got home late in the evening from Thaba Seka and it was her last night in Lesotho:( We heated up leftovers and Erika, Melissa, and I spent the evening talking about her trip, gossiping, and laughing. It was a really good end to the week.

Ladies in traditional Sotho dresses

They made Dr. Lindy stand in front:)

Expectant mommies

So precious

Mme Lebo

I loved her tulip skirt!

Giving a speech

Presenting the gifts

Happy moms

Party food

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