Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 14

My first real day on the Nutrition Project and I was kinda on my own. Jaime or Akash are the doctors I would normally be with working at Queen II but both of them were out of town this week so Smita was the doctor in charge (but she's never worked at Queen II before so I tried to stay out of the way). I spent the morning with the NA on duty, Me Mokamohelo. She was really nice and together we cleaned out the cabinets in the NA kitchen where there were toys and games that hadn't been used in a while. I have no idea how I managed to suppress my manic fear of roaches because EVERYTHING was covered in them!!! It was really disgusting but I did survive (mainly because Me Mokamohelo did most of the cleaning and I helped sort everything!). Then I took an inventory of all the toys and games in the NA kitchen and the unused playroom next door. After lunch I went back to Baylor and did research on malnutrition and play therapy for the rest of the afternoon.


  1. No blood-curdling screams? Very proud!

  2. Thanks Liv, I have come a long way since a month ago in your living room... :)
