Friday, August 6, 2010

Heading Off for Our Weekend in Semonkong

Hands down the most exciting weekend ever! Melissa and I were picked up by the lodge owner from the Basotho Hat Friday afternoon for the drive to Semonkong. Maseru is in the Lesotho lowlands so we had a rocky, bumpy, jerky four hour ride up through the mountains to Semonkong. Unfortunately the seats didn’t provide much padding either, but we finally arrived in Semonkong in the early evening (days are are generally as warm as in Maseru, but nights are MUCH colder up in the highlands!). We had a delicious meal in the lodge and then headed up to our rondaville for the night. I had seen the round, thatched-roof huts in our other travels outside of Lesotho before and was really excited to sleep in one!

Heading off for the weekend

Construction workers' sign-kinda sums up how we felt on the drive up to Semonkong

Lodge doggie that came along to pick us up, his name is Jagermeister:)

Thatcher's Inn-the lodge's dining area

Our rondaville!

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